Monday, November 28, 2011

entertainment that is not entertaining.

Some kind of mental mushiness takes place on television shows that makes them appear drastically over dramatic and therefore outwardly false.  The actress/actor who claims to be behaving as their character is not actually able to know what a person would do under these circumstances.  All of acting is false.  It is actually lying to a degree.  generally an act is not considered an act without an audience...and then for an intended effect to take place within that audience...or at least a reaction of some kind.  Television takes away the crowd's natural heckler response.  Even if no one who is watching a show actually likes the can be said in entertainment magazines in a myriad of different delivery mechanisms that the show was well received and that critics rave about it and so forth...the effect that a show has on an audience is not seen anywhere but in peoples actual lives...and we don't know exactly what we can attribute to whatever. Its gobbleDGook.
mass produced...vitriolic mind waste...from the balmy assholes of the most frightened of beings...the script writer...
all hail the great dead whore.... Marilyn Monroe
lets all watch another episode

this is how things should be...I should be first to speak and then every one is going to do what i say...(directors)
slave drivers of the minds of so many humans...people the director will never even meet get to taste his dastardly.  are the rest of us...those of us who will never get to direct a feature film...or wouldn't dream of doing such a thing...are we supposed to be happy when the new movie comes out?
who fucking cares if the new season of dexter is going to make any sense?
How are people still able to portray serial killing as cool and not be mobbed by angry protective mothers?
There is a clear decay in the portrayal of what a person can become in a lifetime.
The whole idea of transformation is held back by the idea of a a fictional world.
The real world has no characters in it.
None of us are made up..except perhaps in our own minds.


  1. Used to be a positive influence on plebiens. Foreigners, squatting in their huts, used to marvel at American programs on TV; eastern block women cried at how gallant American men were, compared to their louts.
    Not anymore, eastern block men are worried that there are a lot of homosexuals in America, and I'm not sure how to describe what happened to us plebs, but foreigners only want our money and not our culture now.

    1. im interested to know more...please find me on g+

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